I worked with a client a few weeks back, and we were discussing strategies to be more confident in life. I caught myself saying the following statements. They appeared to strike a deep chord with my client, so I felt to share them with you.

You are the most qualified person in the whole world to be YOU
Being YOU takes no effort.
It takes no effort to be confident to be YOU.
It takes great effort to try to be somebody other than yourself.
Efforting to be somebody else is exhausting.
Realise that, being YOU takes no effort.

It takes no effort to be YOU.

When you are totally in love with yourself, you give yourself permission to go out and, well, just be YOU! One of the first places that we can go out into the world and just be ourselves is through self love. Friends, self love IS the key.

The subject of self love often appears when I'm working with clients and it is usually met with the revelatory retort… "But, how do I love myself? I've never been told that was important. I've never been told how to do that."

Confidence starts with self love.

Here are some simple self-help tips on how you can love yourself...

    • Fall in love with yourself – Think of yourself as being a beautiful flower. A flower needs nourishing soil, it needs sunshine, it needs watering and it needs a nurturing environment. Take a moment to use that metaphor to reflect on your own life situation. How is the flower that is you, self-loved? I'm not inviting you to stand in soil, in the sunshine and pour water over yourself (though that'd be quite sensory). I'm inviting you to deeply consider the environmental changes that you can make that will allow you to fall in love with yourself, deeper and deeper. Love yourself for all the good that you see and be kind and gentle to perceived imperfections. Be YOU, it takes no effort.
    • Look after your body – This is sooooo fundamental to self love. Your body is your temple, it is the only place you have to live and worship from. It is your responsibility to keep the temple loved, respected, and cared for. Nutrition, exercise, sleep, fun and spiritual practice all contribute to a respected body.
    • Learn to see beauty – When you can see the beauty in everything, you open yourself to seeing the beauty in yourself. See the beauty in other people, the babble of a brook, the struggle of a dad, the blush in a mirror.
Confidence is the fragrance of self love.

The truth is that the barriers we experience to confidence and self love are invisible ones that live inside of us. We may not even know they are there, but they have a tremendous impact on our lives. And until we are willing to identify and move through those barriers, creating change at the most profound levels of our being, we won't be able to truly live our greatest future, not to mention go out and create a new world.


How could you give yourself more self love yourself today?
How could you express that self love as confidence?
How could your confidence allow you to just be you?
What are you going to do with all the energy you have liberated?
Be a powerful and go make profound change in the world…

Life Coaching is about supporting people through change. Rather than coercing and bludgeoning yourself into making a change, I can hold a coaching space for you that sponsors change from a deeper place.
Together we can explore the philosophies of living powerfully. Let us Know the higher realm and deeper truths, know the beauty of life, and know the fulfilment of growth. Our work together can transcend whatever situation you find yourself in, wherever you started from. Often, when there is no mystical element to life, no magical discovery, no elevated order, we feel lost. What if intelligence were everywhere, not just in our heads. If you are in tune with the Truth, then the time to change will come at the right time.

If you are going to be an confident individual... How do you do it? How do you get confidence to do it? How can you change your world and therefore, the World? I can help, do give me a call.

Men, if you need confidence in your dating game, this article may be interesting

Ladies, if you need confidence in your dating game, this article may be interesting

My clients come from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. They are productive and capable people living full-lives. They are in-tune with their growth and are always interested in strategies to be more peaceful. If you are interested in bringing more peace into your life, I can help you. Together we will evolve juicy strategies to have you feel more peaceful, transformed, and alive.

Do get in touch for a confidential initial consultation to see if I can help you return to inner happiness that is your birth right. Call me on  0330 058 8385 orMake an Enquiry


Tantra Coach

Tantra is an ancient spiritual tradition that has been practiced for thousands of years in India and beyond. It offers a unique approach to life that can be used to enhance and enrich the modern experience in countless ways. Here are just a few of the many benefits that tantra has to offer:

Increased Self-Awareness - Tantra teaches that the key to a fulfilling life is to become more self-aware. Through various practices and techniques, you can gain a deeper understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, and desires. This increased self-awareness can help you make more informed decisions and live a more intentional life.

Improved Relationships - Tantra recognizes the importance of connection and intimacy in our lives. By learning to be more present and attentive in our relationships, we can deepen our connections with others and experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in our personal and professional lives.

Enhanced Sexuality - Tantra offers a holistic approach to sexuality that goes beyond the physical act of intercourse. By exploring the spiritual and emotional aspects of sexuality, we can improve our intimate relationships, increase our sexual pleasure, and deepen our connection with ourselves and others.

Stress Reduction - Tantra teaches that stress is a result of being disconnected from the present moment. By learning to be more mindful and present, we can reduce stress and improve our overall well-being.

Greater Happiness - At its core, tantra is about experiencing joy, love, and fulfillment in every aspect of life. By embracing its teachings and practices, we can cultivate greater happiness, contentment, and peace in our daily lives.

tantracoachI have been a student of Tantra since 2005. I have worked deeply with several of the most potent teachers of our time. The wisdom tradition of Tantra informs my personal journey and my journey into deepest love with my beloved. Tantra has also become a profound backdrop to my coaching work. Its fundamental teachings appear in many of my coaching sessions, but don't let this frighten you off! I have become adept at translating and modernising these teachings into tools and processes that are real and applicable to our modern lives.

The teachings of tantra offer a powerful and transformative approach to life that can be used to enhance and enrich our modern experience. Whether you are seeking to improve your relationships, reduce stress, or simply find greater happiness, tantra has something to offer. So why not explore this ancient tradition and see how it can help you lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life?

I am comfortable journeying deep into this territory with clients who are ready and open to experiencing life in a more beautiful way.

What is Tantra?

The following captures the spirit of Tantric Teachings nicely...

The wisdom tradition of Tantra comes from India/Tibet. In a nutshell, it is the science and the art of being alive. Tantra practices consciously explore life experientially. Many of these practices are esoteric, but I am a huge fan of exploring ways to integrate these core teachings into our every-hour, everyday lives.

Tantra is a way of life that explores all of life. It is a path of exploration, action, practice, and meditation that covers:

Tantra has answers to all these questions: it also has many explanations of how life works based on an understanding of energy, which is not part of our mechanistic culture, yet a grasp of what enables us to interact creatively with many aspects of life that were previously mysterious forces by which we were helplessly buffeted: relationships, love, sexuality, fate.

Above all, tantra does not prescribe answers: unlike religion, it does not tell you what to think and believe. It gives you structures to explore these themes experientially and personally, and then to come to your own conclusions based on these experiences. The only authority in tantra is your own heart, your own sense of what is true for you, and what your spirit needs to follow.

If you are interested in these burning life questions if you want to find your own answers not just be given them by a higher authority, if you want to spend time with other people who want to explore what is the sense of life and how relationships function, then tantra is for you. It covers the subjects they didn’t dare explore at school!

Tantra is for free thinkers, rebels, non-conformists,
for seekers of alternatives,
for lovers, and lovers of life,
for truth seekers,
for seekers of excitement, for seekers of tranquility,
for seekers of meaning, making sense of existence,
for seekers of pleasure and delight,
for those who seek god,
for those who seek themselves.

If you are interested in personal one-on-one Tantra coaching then please do get in touch...

Tantra life coaching for singles and couples

For Single Individuals:

Overcoming Loneliness: Tantra emphasizes the importance of self-love and self-acceptance. By learning to cultivate a deeper connection with oneself, a single individual can overcome feelings of loneliness and feel fulfilled in their own company.

Improving Self-Confidence: Tantra teaches techniques for increasing self-awareness and self-confidence. This can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle with low self-esteem or insecurity.

Finding Purpose: Tantra encourages individuals to explore their deepest desires and find their life purpose. By becoming more self-aware, a single person can discover their passions and pursue a more fulfilling life path.

For Couples:

Enhancing Intimacy: Tantra teaches techniques for improving intimacy and communication in relationships. Couples can use these practices to deepen their connection, improve their sexual relationship, and experience greater satisfaction in their relationship.

Overcoming Differences: Tantra recognizes that all relationships have challenges. However, by learning to embrace and accept differences, couples can overcome conflicts and grow closer together.

Building Trust: Tantra emphasizes the importance of trust and honesty in relationships. By practicing open and honest communication, couples can build a stronger foundation of trust and improve their overall relationship.

The teachings of tantra offer valuable insights and tools for individuals and couples alike. Whether you are seeking to overcome challenges in your personal life or strengthen your relationships, tantra has something to offer. By embracing its teachings and practices, you can experience greater happiness, contentment, and fulfillment in your daily life.

Integrating Tantra into your life with the support of a Great Life Coach

Are you considering embarking on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery, but are unsure of how to get started? Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a complete beginner, a tantra coach can be a powerful ally on your journey. Here are just a few of the many advantages that come with working with a coach:

Check-in and Accountability: I provide a regular check-in and accountability, which can be incredibly helpful for staying motivated and on track. With someone to guide you, you are more likely to make steady progress and reach your goals.

Expert Guidance: A tantra coach has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from. I will provide subtle guidance and insights that can help you avoid common pitfalls and make the most of your practice.

Personalized Approach: Unlike generic self-help books or online courses, I can tailor their approach to your specific needs and goals. I will provide customized guidance and support that is designed just for you.

Safety and Support: I will create a safe and supportive environment where you can explore new and sometimes challenging experiences. With someone to turn to, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed or discouraged.

Increased Self-Awareness: I can help you gain greater self-awareness by providing feedback and guidance on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By becoming more self-aware, you can make more informed decisions and lead a more fulfilling life.

For experienced practitioners, I can provide fresh perspectives, and new techniques, and help you navigate new challenges and growth opportunities. I can help you continue to evolve and deepen your practice, even if you've been practicing for years. I am always excited to look for ways to BRING TANTRA INTO EVERYDAY LIFE.

Working with grealifecoach tantra coach can be a powerful and transformative experience. Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned practitioner, a coach can provide the support, guidance, and accountability you need to make the most of your journey. So why go it alone when you can have a powerful ally by your side? Invest in yourself and take your practice to the next level with the help of a tantra coach.



disconnectedI often get enquiries from people who describe themselves as feeling numb, disconnected from their body or disconnected from other people and nature. It got me thinking about why so many people feel so disconnected. In my experience life doesn’t have to be that way. I can help you RECONNECT with your own essence, to reconnect with nature and other human beings.

We live in protected times. Many people live in protected locked houses behind gates and security, their travel is watched over by cctv and they have insurances to cover any eventuality. Fear closes us down. As we protect ourselves behind all these securities some part of us loses touch with nature and the rhythms of life. As we cling to the known in our fur-lined ruts, the ever-changing ways of nature are easily missed. We miss the rainbows and sunsets. We become separated from life itself. We start to question who we are and what this is all about. Then we wonder why we feel disconnected from LIFE.

Many people yearn for healthy, harmonious, beautiful connection with others. Yet they walk their path with a conquering mentality. The desire to get more, to take over and to win permeates their work lives. Subtle aggressions are evident in so many behaviours. Efforting to be better than, wealthier than or blingier than others separates us. And when we do make effort to communicate it is virtual and digitised. Perhaps you fall asleep at night craving meaningful or intimate exchange with people; but all you feel are barriers? Then we wonder why we feel disconnected from PEOPLE.

Fear is often where disconnection starts

When people make fear-based decisions they are more likely to believe they are not the authority of their own life. You are more likely to believe that somebody else is the authority in your life. You’re more likely to believe that authority. If fear is pushed on you, you are going to assume that you can’t make a decision for yourself. Which then implies that some part of yourself is not good enough. Effectively fear underpins the feeling of not being good enough; causing you to look for self validation from any source you can get it. I'd like to work with you to make more love based decisions in your life. This is the only way to move towards self-love, the inner knowing that you are good enough and reconnection with life. Don’t be fearful of any part of yourself. Be your full self, your full love, your full humanity. No more fear-based decisions no more believing that you are not the authority of your own life. It’s okay to be appreciative of every part of yourself. Reconnect with the lost parts of yourself.


Rather than living our lives being authentic and TOTAL, most prefer to live vicariously through gossip-rags and the infamous. All that ogling surely builds a media dependence. News, Hello!, movies, books, pulp, pap. Then occasionally a quiet moment shows up, and you immediately reach for the iPhone looking for a new Like, to trash some spam or to read about the misery of others. If you dared to sit with that silence, maybe you would see through to a great inner sadness. But no, reaching for a glass of wine or watching some porn numbs life’s challenge. Then we wonder why we are disconnected from OURSELVES.

flickr CC mikebairdIf you are feeling disconnected, WAKE UP!

I can help you identify where you are going wrong. I can help you get clear and cleanse towards clarity; helping you enrich your life as it is where it is. In our work I will help you re-engage with your own spirit (that is spiritual and universal in essence). I will show you how to attune to the flow of beautiful life-force in your system and to reconnect with the instinctual nature within yourself. Our work is not about belief it is about truth.

Together we can learn about and reconnect with authenticity and the dimensions of your being that are not being expressed in your life. I can guide you towards the deepest recognition that your being is searching for something -- inner beauty, intimacy, love, universal connection.

I can help you RECONNECT with your own strong-centred essence, to reconnect with nature and other human beings.

flickr CC foxtongueWhy live a mediocre life, when beauty, refinement and pleasure abounds. Surely now is the time to manifest the fullest dimensions of your life. To dance with life itself. To cultivate healthy life forces flow within your system and to align with sponsoring energies that are there to guide you home.

My clients come from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. They use our coaching relationship as an effective, challenging, positive way to deal with life's dips, uncertainties and energy drains. Whether your focus is Career Change, Relationship or Spiritual Growth, I can help you. Together we will evolve juicy strategies to have you feel transformed, worthy and alive. Get in touch Today or call  0330 058 8385 for an initial chat.

Why Work with a Death Coach? Because, Let's Face It, Time is Running Out!

deathxcoachHere’s a thought for the day. I’m no genius, but with reasonable certainty, none of you will be here a hundred years from now. You will all be 100% gone, without a trace. Everybody alive right now will probably be gone too. We shall all cease to exist as we know ourselves. The world will be filled with new people, new dreams, and new struggles.

Yes, folks, we are all going to die. There’s no news here, right, you already know this. Yet death is a subject most of us avoid. Unless we watch movies about it happening to other people!

I am not and end-of-life coach. Those folks are highly trained specialists who do beautiful work. I am a life coach who can hold space to explore death!

What is a life coach doing writing about death you might ask?! Simply put, death is so close and life is so precious. If you are to live a vital and purposeful life, it is worth reconciling your relationship to life and death while you have the chance!

How might your life today, the decisions you make, and the people you connect with, be affected by this knowledge? The prospect of death requires you to take a good look at your life.

What are you doing with your life? Is it robotic and treadmill driven or is it flowing, expressive, beautiful and alive? Is it time for change? I might be able to help you make that change.

Most days we deny the possibility of dying in how we live, we deny it in our actions. Most of us behave as though we are going to be around forever. Some of us behave as though we are already dead by avoiding what life has to offer or by numbing our aliveness.

As a life coach I have become fascinated by people’s relationship to death. The most pungent opportunities for personal evolution and the attainment of peace can be harvested from an open discussion about death. 

One Hundred Years is such a short time to get to know yourself. Where can you go to discuss Life’s Big Questions like; what is life, what is death and who am I? ... Especially if religious platitudes no longer convincingly deliver.

Maybe today is a great day to take a good look at how you are living your life, given that death is a certain truth. Give me a call, and together we can explore opportunities to live more passionately, purposefully or peacefully, while you are alive. I can support you to make tangible changes toward your innate happiness. We can co-explore life’s mysteries and even talk about death. Especially if you are hungry for opening and realizing the sacred miracle that you are.

Hopefully, your own radical-end will be many years from now. Have a great day!

If you are interested in talking about death (or any other life challenge for that matter) get in touch!

Why would I want to work with a death coach?

Okay, I know what you're thinking. "Why would I want to work with a death coach? That sounds depressing!" But hear me out. As a life coach who specializes in death coaching, I know firsthand how much of an impact facing your own mortality can have on your life. And trust me, it's not all doom and gloom.

Death CoachLet's face it, time is running out for all of us. None of us know how much time we have left on this earth, and that can be a scary thought. But it can also be incredibly empowering when we use it as a catalyst for change and growth.

As a death coach, I can help you face your own mortality in a way that is both light-hearted and meaningful. We'll explore what really matters to you and how you want to spend the time you have left. We'll also look at any fears, doubts, or uncertainties you may have and find ways to overcome them.

And let's be real, working with a death coach is the ultimate irony. It's like getting a jumpstart on your own eulogy! But it can also be a fun and enlightening experience. We'll use humor and creativity to explore the big questions in life and find ways to live more fully in the present moment.

I believe that everyone can benefit from death coaching, regardless of age or life experience. Whether you're just starting out in your career or you're nearing retirement, there's always something to be gained from facing your own mortality.

And let's be honest, who doesn't want to make the most of their time on this earth?

Many thanks to JD Hancock @ Flickr creative commons for the image


problemsAll you can see is problems?

Problems give us life-experience which allows for good judgement which comes from that experience. Experience comes from mistakes, mistakes come from bad judgement.

The bad judgement will ultimately become good judgement.

Problems are a part of life, and to resist them is to resist life.  Your problems are challenges.

Try This..

Some very obvious thoughts on how to overcome your problems...

  • Embrace your problems as opportunities to get experience... adjust your mindset, problems are a gift and your thoughts precede your reality.
  • Keep perspective... How could this problem have been worse? Will this problem matter a year from now?
  • Remain Proactive... What can I do right now to make things better?  You always have a choice.
  • Good Self Management in difficult times is very important.  Eat well, exercise, read wisdom literature, meditate, care for yourself
  • Resolve to win.

Sometimes we need help to take on life problems, either to solve the problem by changing your circumstances or by changing your view of your circumstances. I can help you!

If you are looking to change your life situation, if you describe yourself as lost, stuck or caught in a complexity you may find my Happiness Compass E-Course of great value.

Take up the challenge of confident problem solving. Using a safe and supportive foundation of trust, freedom of expression and commitment, I always work to help you explore your inner being, to regain balance in your personal and working life and to align with your true values and fullest potential. Using a stimulating face-to-face, phone support and email program customised to fit your current personal development needs, my coaching focuses on your inner guidance, purpose, skills, beliefs, techniques and processes necessary to take you into a great future.

I partner with intelligent, successful people who want to excel at their passion, gifts and unique talents in a way that brings them success, happiness and balance. Otherwise, do what you always did and you will get what you always got!

I also offer problem-solving and inspirational keynotes and public speaking at business events and seminars.

 photo by H.koppdelaney

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